Power Apps Attachment Component

Power Apps Solution Showcase

Upload File(s) to a SharePoint Document Library

Minimal Path to Get Started

  • Download the Component & Flow here: pss-fileattachments.ohthreesixtyfive.org,
  • Enable Components in your Power App (Instructions),
  • Import the Component (.msapp) file you downloaded earlier into your Power App (Instructions),
  • Import the Flow (.zip) file into Power Automate (Instructions),
    • Note: During import, you'll be asked to provide consent to use your SharePoint Connector in Power Automate, if you don't already have one be sure to create a one to allow the import process to proceed.
    • Important: Once the Flow has been imported, Edit the Flow to update both the "Update Attachment" and the "Set Title to FileName" actions to the appropriate Site Address, Folder Path, and Library Name.

Usage Instructions

In Power Apps, trigger the Flow (for example, with a button), making sure to include the Attachments output of the component (eg: cmpFileAttachments.Attachments) as a JSON string.

If you've left the flow name unchanged, the formula should look similar to the following:


The component has a 'View Only' input property, which allows you to prevent any files from being attached to it.

Known Limitations

  • To attach files besides images, you must click on 'Image Files' in the file explorer and toggle it to 'All Files',
  • No way to limit/identify the size of the files attached,
  • Attaching large files (greater than 30 MB) may cause unexpected behavior/crashes,
  • At present, the component only allows for uploading new files - it does not display any existing files (though this is planned in an update).
If you run into any issues, send me a message @ohthreesixtyfive.

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